The Craft Economy
The Craft Economy — whose members originally hail from Guelph, Montreal, Vancouver and PEI — has a sound inspired by '70s punk rock and '80s new wave, and is guided by a love of tight, well-crafted and danceable pop songs.
The band’s first release, the 6-song “All On C” EP was hundred per cent DIY, right down to the hand-made lino-printed covers, and quickly sold out of its limited edition run of 200. The album was released under a Creative Commons Noncommercial-Share Alike license, which allows the band to retain the rights to its music, while allowing fans to freely download, share and remix its songs for non-commericial purposes online. This creative approach to music distribution, as well as the band's public opposition to Bill C-61, has garnered the attention of freedom loving people throughout the World.