Gecko Pedals

Gecko Pedals was born out of a bet (a dare maybe?) between two band mates back in 2007. The first band mate, the lead guitarist, was a big fan of a 1960-1970’s era tape delay made by Maestro called the Echoplex, which is still a thing of legend and with many still in service even today. He owned and used one in the band, and all were delighted by the jaw-dropping sounds that he created with it. It suffered from a few problems, however. It was a giant, heavy, electro-mechanical brick of machine, full of motors and pulleys and things that hummed and squeaked and whirred. When something went wrong with it, replacement parts and people who were able to service one were both in short supply.
Well, perfection takes time! Eventually, a dozen or so years later, it actually did turn from stale, lingering idea into Gecko Pedals first creation: The Geckoplex EP-5.