One Control

One Control is the leading brand in guitar pedal switchers from Japan. They offer several products that make pedalboards not only work more efficiently, but also sound better. With their programable switchers not only do players get the convenience of being able to access several pedals at one time, but they also get the benefit of a really high quality BJF Buffer built in. The BJF buffer circuit ensures that players have clean and clear signal even while using long lengths of cables. One Control also offer a large selection of true-bypass loopers from 1 to 5 loops. Their loopers and switchers make all of your pedals easy to access and true-bypass, allowing players to access their effects with ease while playing live.
Not only does One Control offer many audio routing options but we also have great power solutions for pedals. Most of their true-bypass audio loopers also come equipped with built in DC outputs, giving players the ability to have a super clean and efficient pedalboard. In addition to having our DC output equipped loopers, One Control also offers the extremely popular Micro Distro power supply. The Micro Distro is a compact power supply that with 9 DC outputs that can fit onto almost any crowded pedalboard.
Musicians who want high quality sound, portability, and ease of use are sure to enjoy One Control products.