Caroline Guitar Company Arigato Phaser


While capable of the airy psychedelia of classic units, this phaser pedal is meant to rumble, wobble, shake, rattle, and roar. It is also capable of going fully wet for interesting vibrato sounds, max out feedback for auto-wah style filter sweeps, and a wide range of responsive shades throughout each control as they interact with the others.

It’s an OTA based analog phaser but with a couple twists – the mode switch changes the capacitors and filter notches to more closely resemble a classic vibe pedal, giving the sweep a bit of an off-balance feel. The bypass on ARIGATO can also be a momentary bypass for instant phasing “hits” and releases. And the square wave, like the Somersault’s, can push the phasing into audible pumps and overload things. They could have tamed it for noise purposes, but they didn’t want to lose the fun.

With this pedal CGC recommend starting with everything at 12:00 – “true north” as they’re fond of calling it – and then adjusting from there to discover how each control interacts with the others.


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