Mask Audio Electronic Screws


Using an op-amp blown way beyond its limits and some clever trickery, Screws accomplishes one of the most difficult tasks in all of fuzzdom: an octave fuzz with an ever-present octave, no matter the guitar, no matter the situation. If you want to do the classic Jimi thing (or some sitar-like clang), Screws has got you


If you want to be the most bricked-out thing in the mix (and give those cymbals a run for their money), Screws has your back. If you're looking to get your Swede on, put the Tone switch in the middle and start stacking. Whether main character or supporting role, Screws is there, calling back to the roots of Mask Audio Electronics: simple fuzz done very gnarly.

MORE- Traditional gain control, the intensity of the octave will increase with more gain
LOUD- Master volume
TONE- controls what frequencies flow into the octave section, up on the toggle is full frequency, middle position emphasizes the high end, and all the way down gives you a boost in the midrange 


Please click to check out the new line of Eastwood Guitars

We are very picky about the product lines we carry here.  They must have great tone, stellar reliability and the right vibe.  Thus far, We are very impressed by all of the manufacturers we deal with .  In addition, the manufacturers we carry all have one big thing in common:  They are all Super-creative People that are fun and easy to deal with!