Caroline Guitar Company Canadian Bacon


The Caroline Guitar Company Canadian Bacon is a Canadian dealer exclusive of their perennial favourite, the Hawaiian Pizza with some slight differences.  This Modified circuit uses Mismatched transistors (BC183 and 2N5088).  It is an amazingly versatile stompbox that lets you get everything from creamy, bluesy lead tones to Alternarock-style crunch, raging fuzz and much more.

The pedal features just three knobs, but together they can reveal overdriven tones of classic Dumble, tweed, and British amplifiers, as well as thick, Big Muff-style fuzz and grungy gated dirt. The Pig knob controls the amount of input gain. The Maple Leaf controls the voltage, and the Pizza knob controls the output gain. In the video demos, you can hear that by simply finding different sweet spots and combinations , the Canadian Bacon can shift your tone from "sweet, singing fuzz to sputtering, broken amps sounds."

In addition, Caroline included an internal pickup simulator switch so that the pedal will still give its intended sound no matter where you place it on your pedalboard—even if it's after buffered pedals

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